Nikki Seibert Kelley

Business Development Manager


Nikki Seibert Kelley is a passionate advocate for increasing connectivity, equity, and resilience in the local food system. With 22 years of experience working with the non-profit sector, 14 in local food systems, and a lifetime of her hands in the dirt, she enjoys using a human-centered approach to collaborate with communities to realize their goals.

In addition to her work with New Venture Advisors, she is the proud owner of Wit Meets Grit, supporting food, farming, and health organizations in fulfilling their missions across the Southeast. Nikki has a very diverse background and genuine passion for helping others that enables her to bridge the gap between the broader systems and boots on the ground while providing practical solutions that meet objectives. Some of her accomplishments in South Carolina include launching the state’s first farming apprenticeship certificate, incubator farm, and Eat Local Month; creating a statewide local grower resource guide and local food system roadmap; and developing the South Carolina Food Hub Network and the South Carolina Food Systems Network.

At the national level, Nikki currently serves on the North American Food System Network Advisory Board and Leadership Circle, and as a contributing member of the CARAT Audit Tool.

Outside of the office, Nikki loves playing outdoors with her family, gardening, riding her bike (slowly), reading, taking pictures, and dancing in the kitchen.

 Whatcom County Food System Plan

In 2021, the Whatcom County Food System Committee conducted a community food assessment that pointed to key opportunities to build a more robust and resilient regional food system. New Venture Advisors partnered with Whatcom County staff and the Food System Committee to draft a Whatcom County Food System Plan that builds upon these findings. This Plan focuses on five key goals for building a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient food system, and was informed by an inclusive community engagement process. The Food System Plan will provide the county with a policy roadmap that will strengthen the local food system for years to come. (2023)

 Whatcom Local Food Campus

The Whatcom Community Foundation invests in activities and organizations that improve the ability of people to help themselves, increase connections among people, and take cooperative approaches to community issues. WCF is exploring the development of a local food campus on a waterfront property that would become a multi-tenant site, anchored by a collaborative production kitchen benefitting food access, school system, and community organizations. The goal is strengthening Whatcom County’s local food system by promoting health equity, forging tangible strategic connections between food production organizations, and helping farmers connect with institutional markets. The facility will also feature an incubation kitchen, demonstration kitchen, event and classroom space, collaborative office and conference facilities, and housing.  New Venture Advisors developed the business case for this ambitious project and continues to support its development through engagement and operational development. (2023)